Last Updated: Thursday, 08 April 2021 09:57

How to win at the Flash

How to win at the Flash slot
Special bonuses help gamblers to get more rewards, but not always. To increase the chances of the winning, you need to know how to win at the Flash slot. It will not be difficult at all because you only need to apply special game strategies that our experts developed. They spent a lot of time by testing and now shared their achievements.

Simple and clear strategies will increase the number of pay lines, which means that you will leave the game as a winner.

Personal testers opinion

You can use different strategies in this game. But I would recommend listening to some of my advice. First, play the game with the Bonus Bet option active. In this case, choose from the range of low sized rates. The bet at the maximum rate is not recommended at all. It is better to stick with low rates and not take risks. As for free spins, they are launched more often, especially when you put less.

And you should wait for the activation of free spins. After receiving a big win, stop the game immediately. You can use the risk game often. After all, it will increase all small winnings. A set of strategies will help you to get maximum credits. Now that you know how to win in the Flash slot, you can apply the strategy in the real game.

Hidden parameters and settings of the slot (data from testing)

Winning strategies

  • Bet per spin and the Bonus Bet feature. If you want to win more, then trigger the Bonus Bet feature. It will not only increase the value of the expected percentage of return but also allows you to get more coins. By choosing the size of the bet, you have to consider the activity of this feature. But it is recommended playing at low stakes, as the result of the game depends on it.
  • Free Spins. The frequency of trigger of free spins depends on the size of the bet and the activity of the particular feature. If you are playing in the usual spins at low stakes, then free spins fall out more often, but then the winning will be small. So, it's better to launch the additional feature and wait for free spins. You can select any feature from 3. Each of them increases the probability of obtaining a large prize. Do not forget that you need to spend more time playing the game to grab free spins.
  • Risk game. Trigger the doubling round each time you get a small winning cause you can increase the number of it. But you should not risk the winning, which is in two or more times more significant than the final bet.
  • Limits. Whenever you get an impressive prize, stop. Do not reduce the bet; leave the slot machine for a short period. After some hours, you can start the game again. End the game session if you lose more than 25% of the balance.

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